Once you have signed into Workplace (refer to this article for more information on signing in), there are two ways you can find the right Document Template for you.
1. Browsing the relevant business function
The four most common business functions you may encounter when managing a business have been categorized on the Workplace dashboard for you. Explore each business function further to determine which template(s) are appropriate for your business.
2. Searching via the Template Library
- Select 'Template Library' from the dropdown box in the header
- You can search document templates by ‘Topic’, ‘Type’ or by name via the ‘Search’ function
- Once you have located the template you wish to generate, select ‘View’.
- You will be directed to the Commentary of the selected Document Template, which provides an outline of the document’s function, use and content.
For more information please contact your My Business representative, call us on 1800 505 529 (Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm AEST) or email onlinesupport@mybusiness.com.au.
You can also submit a support request from within the Workplace platform (please refer our 'How to get technical support' article for more information).